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        Bohler S290 Microclean

        2022-03-12 11:21:15 jiangxingTools 3133

        Bohler S290 Microclean

        Bohler S290 Microclean is produced by powder-metallurgy methods.Segregation-free and homogeneous metal powders of highest purity and adequate granulation are processed to homegenous and segregation-free high speed steels of virtually isotropic properties in a diffusion process taking place at high pressures and temperatures.

        High speed steel produced by powder-metallurgy methods with highest red hardness, compressive strength and wear resistance. The PM technology impacts to the material also excellent toughness and machinability properties,eg. highly satisfactory grindability.

        Applications and Tools: no only for the maching of steels but also for nonfemous metals such as nickel-base and titanium alloys, such as shaper cutters and hobs.

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