Process of Manufacturing Gear Hob
2022-02-07 09:04:09
Process of Manufacturing Gear Hob
the traditional cycle mainly as follwing:
1, material
2, lathing
3, threading
4, milling
5, relieving teeth
6, geat treatment
7, bore and face grinding
8, sharpening
9, profile grinding
10, profile inspection
11, coating
- PA20° DP16 Standard Involute Gear Hob with BPⅡ
- Shank-type gear shaper cutter with DIN 3972/II
- PA20° Profile DIN3972 Standard Pre-grinding Gear Cutter Hob with Module m3.75
- Solid Carbide Gear Milling Cutter
- Shank Type Worm Gear Hob with Module m8
- Shank Type Worm Wheel Hob with Module m4.5
- PA15° Module Gear Hob